Sometimes dreams come easily, and sometimes they come with a fight. I know this to be a fact.
I have many dreams. One of them is to become a teacher. This dream is so important to me. I want to become a teacher to encourage students to believe in their dreams. I want to be the teacher to believe in her students when no one else will. I want to be the teacher to tell her students that they are worth something, when they have been told that they amount to nothing. I want to be the teacher to encourage her students to keep dreaming when everyone around them tries their best to kill every dream they have. I want to be the teacher that tells her students that a dream without a plan is still a dream--and that fulfilling anything in life requires a plan. I want to tell them to always fight for what they want, and to never, ever, ever give up.
I want to make a difference in the lives of the students that I teach.
This dream of mine is not coming without a fight. And at times, I feel like it is the hardest fight of my life. I have one extremely large and difficult test standing between me and my graduation date. I have taken this test multiple times, and even pushed my graduation date back because of it. It's something that I do not understand at all. It literally makes zero sense why I cannot conquer this. If I could describe the way I feel about this test, I would say it is like a giant. Something bigger than me.
But then I remember that I shouldn't expect any less. My dream is bigger than myself. It is a passion that is bigger than me. And I shouldn't expect that to be handed to me freely. It is a dream worth fighting for. It's worth giving it all I've got.
Yesterday, after I found out that I did not pass this test (again), I stood with such a feeling of defeat. And then I heard the sweet Holy Spirit speak and say "your passion for your dream MUST remain greater than the obstacles that stand between you." In that moment, I gained a strength to keep fighting. God is so good. I know that my desire to be a teacher is more than just a career. I truly feel like this is God's will for my life. And I will fight until I get there.
I have been discouraged, and I have been stressed. I have been angry, jealous, bitter, and just flat upset. I often find myself having "pull-it-together" moments in which I come to grips with the situation, and allow the Holy Spirit to re-align my thoughts. It keeps me going through my most frustrating moments.
So, let me encourage you. First of all--believe in yourself. Trust that God does see worth in you, and that you are of the utmost importance to Him. Second---believe in your dream. Start with a plan. It is not impossible. It will not come without work. Take it one step at a time. And thirdly--don't give up. Keep the vision close. Remember why you are doing what you are doing. And keep your passion alive. It will get frustrating--but God is so good to hold us close. Lean on Him every step of the way, and no matter what---do NOT settle for the norm.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Keep fighting. You will get there!