Sometimes dreams come easily, and sometimes they come with a fight. I know this to be a fact.
I have many dreams. One of them is to become a teacher. This dream is so important to me. I want to become a teacher to encourage students to believe in their dreams. I want to be the teacher to believe in her students when no one else will. I want to be the teacher to tell her students that they are worth something, when they have been told that they amount to nothing. I want to be the teacher to encourage her students to keep dreaming when everyone around them tries their best to kill every dream they have. I want to be the teacher that tells her students that a dream without a plan is still a dream--and that fulfilling anything in life requires a plan. I want to tell them to always fight for what they want, and to never, ever, ever give up.
I want to make a difference in the lives of the students that I teach.
This dream of mine is not coming without a fight. And at times, I feel like it is the hardest fight of my life. I have one extremely large and difficult test standing between me and my graduation date. I have taken this test multiple times, and even pushed my graduation date back because of it. It's something that I do not understand at all. It literally makes zero sense why I cannot conquer this. If I could describe the way I feel about this test, I would say it is like a giant. Something bigger than me.
But then I remember that I shouldn't expect any less. My dream is bigger than myself. It is a passion that is bigger than me. And I shouldn't expect that to be handed to me freely. It is a dream worth fighting for. It's worth giving it all I've got.
Yesterday, after I found out that I did not pass this test (again), I stood with such a feeling of defeat. And then I heard the sweet Holy Spirit speak and say "your passion for your dream MUST remain greater than the obstacles that stand between you." In that moment, I gained a strength to keep fighting. God is so good. I know that my desire to be a teacher is more than just a career. I truly feel like this is God's will for my life. And I will fight until I get there.
I have been discouraged, and I have been stressed. I have been angry, jealous, bitter, and just flat upset. I often find myself having "pull-it-together" moments in which I come to grips with the situation, and allow the Holy Spirit to re-align my thoughts. It keeps me going through my most frustrating moments.
So, let me encourage you. First of all--believe in yourself. Trust that God does see worth in you, and that you are of the utmost importance to Him. Second---believe in your dream. Start with a plan. It is not impossible. It will not come without work. Take it one step at a time. And thirdly--don't give up. Keep the vision close. Remember why you are doing what you are doing. And keep your passion alive. It will get frustrating--but God is so good to hold us close. Lean on Him every step of the way, and no matter what---do NOT settle for the norm.
Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Keep fighting. You will get there!
Wow Sis, this is deep. But very impacting to those who have dreams. You sure do inspire a lot of people. One of which is your little sister. Keep on preaching those words of wisdom ! I love you and you'll pass that test, I know you will. Because I know you'll never give up. See you soon and use this cruise as a chance to relax, The Lord knows you need it !!