--I still have not found a teaching job for the upcoming year. Things are not looking very promising for any new teacher right now. Not exactly what I had in mind, but I'm just trying to go with the flow.
--Because of the current teaching situation, I've decided to get certified to teach Middle School Math. There is SUCH a high demand for math teachers, that the school system in my community is giving sign on bonuses. Two words: job security. So, I'm about to get a study guide to start preparing for the Praxis. Help me, Lord. Anyone that knows anything about me and the Praxis, knows that we go wayyy back. Thought I would never have to take that bless-ed test again, but oh well.
--I'm hoping to be able to go to the beach this weekend. It's been raining catsanddogs for the past 2 weeks and quite frankly, I'm just sick of it! Not just the typical Mobile showers, but like earth rattling lightening storms and the rain that falls so hard that you can't see an inch in front of you. Isn't like the rest of the country in a drought or something? Seriously--the rain needs to go there.
--Yesterday, me and my room-mate decided we wanted to play Scrabble. So, I went to Wal-Mart and bought the game. I'm sure everyone else already has that game in their house buried somewhere, but we didn't. But now we do. The new, bright colored version with the black velvet letter bag. Ha. Anyway, we had so much fun! I thought I was going to win at first because I was getting lots of points, but Carrie beat me. Figures. That's ok--we will have more rematches. Fo sho. :)
--I'm wearing color stay lipstick today. The CoverGirl kind. It's the only CoverGirl makeup I own, actually. But, this stuff should be labeled lip paint. I'm serious! You have to let it dry on your lips to "set" before you put the gloss on. It's makes my lips all stiff and stuff. But they don't play when they mean color stay. This bad mama-jama will be on my lips till tomorrow morning I'm sure. Ha!!
--I'm a lover of gadgets and all things cute. So, me finding all of these online boutiques and shops is not benefitting my budget at all. And they keep updating it with new stuff. I'm obsessed with these statement pieces of jewelry. I seriously want everything!!!
--I want a new blog design. I created my current one...but it took absolutely forever and there is nothing to it at all. I'm thinking about hiring a blog designer to make me a really cute one. I think it will encourage me to blog more.
--The youth group at my church is currently in Tennessee about to get ready to go white-water rafting. I was a little jealous that they are there while I'm at work. That is, until I got on Twitter this morning and saw their tweets at 3:00 am, 4:00 am, 5:00 am, and I figured out that the "girl cabin" never went to sleep. Suddenly, I got really excited that I was in Mobile and not there. I have lost my "spunk" to pull all-nighters like that. I couldn't do it in college with exams pressing--so there is no way that I'm going to do it for fun! Yes, you can call me Grandma!
--Last thing, I love Instagram. I'm smm1985, if you want to follow me...but that's beside the point. For about a year and a half, I swear I thought it was a photo-editing tool. Once I found out it was a form of social media, I thought it was dumb. Until I figured it out...and now I LOVE it!!! I love pictures!! It's so fun!!!
I think I'm rambling now...I hope you all have a great weekend!!
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