Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Marathon Madness

This morning, Carrie (my awesome room mate) ran a 1/2 marathon! I think runners who can run that far (13.1 miles) as well as the FULL marathon (26.2 miles) are super achievers! That is a LONG way to endure!!

Anyway, the race started at 7:30, so I went and picked up Melissa (we were the spectators) and we headed down town. There were over 2,000 people there. They all lined up at the start-line and were ready for the gun to fire! I could imagine that a lot of them were very nervous-I would be! I mean this is kind of a big deal!

Here they all are lined up at the start line! The girls in the southern belle dresses are our Azalea Trail Maids. They represent Mobile at various different functions locally and nationally.

After the gun went off and they all took off, we headed back to my car to go to the 7 mile marker. Right after we got there, a few runners started passing by. They were the ones who probably won the race, because it was only like 30 minutes into the race and they had already ran 7 miles. You can do the math, but I'll tell you it's fast. ha!!

Pretty soon Carrie came running by & we cheered her on--and then we loaded back up in the car and headed to the finish line! She made her it under her goal time with a minute or so to spare! I was so proud of her! I know she has worked hard with training and on days like this, you only have one shot-and you are your only competitor!

This is after the race. It was humid, rainy, and not that cold. This picture definitely proves to me that I need to run the next half marathon--ugh!!!

We hung around and talked with some people and then we went to Cracker Barrel for some yummy breakfast! It was a great morning!

This just made my "want-to run" even stronger! I'm DETERMINED to start back this week....ugh--I'm dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time!

Midweek Confessions

It's that time again!!! Here we go:

--Today is my last day at work. It hasn't completely sunk in yet that I am quitting my job to student teach so I will graduate. I'm sure it will sink it real deep in a month when I am no longer drawing a paycheck. :)

--ROLL TIDE. I confess that I get way to excited about football games and I get real excited when people tell me that football is nothing to get excited about! Monday night was a night FULL of energy!

--I set a goal to start waking up early to help me get on a routine for teaching. Right now I do not have to be at work until 9-making my wake-up time 7:30. I've been wanting to at least be up by 6 to help the transition next week be a little smoother. Hasn't happened one day. Starting next week--that alarm will be going off at 5 with no opportunity to hit snooze. I will have to leave my house at 6:15. I'm probably going to be dead tired by 7 that night.

--I'm famous for moving decorations in my house from one place to the other. I randomly just pick something up and move it to another place in the house. I like to change the look of things quite often.

--Speaking of decorating, I just got a console table for my breakfast nook area. I've been wanting one for so long and I envisioned exactly how I wanted it decorated. Now that I have one, I have no idea what to put on it. Typical. Ha!

That's all for this week! Head over to E, Myself, and I to check out some more weekly confessions!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Midweek Confessions

It's that time again!! This has become one of my favorite things to do each week!

Here they go:

--Every year, when I take down my Christmas decorations, there is always something that gets left out. Something. This year, I took everything down, boxed it up, and took it to the shed and walked back in to my living room to see my tree skirt sitting exactly where the tree was. Great.

--I have a goal to start running again, and I have said for the past month that I would start running after Christmas. It's January 4th, and I have yet to do even one single thing related to exercise, much less running.

--I'm also trying to eat healthier, and I decided that I was drinking too many diet cokes. So, water it is. This is probably why I am in an extremely irritable mood at work. It's ridiculous to admit, but hey-it's the truth.

--After all of my Christmas decorations are down, I feel like my house is empty. Every year, I have an itch to re-decorate my house after Christmas. Right now, I want new rugs, new pillows for my couch, new curtains for the living room, & a new shower curtain.

--I'm about to start student teaching and I think I need some new outfits. This is a problem. I think I need a new outfit for everything. I have plenty of clothes. I have decided that I am not buying anything until I lose 15lbs. Then I still won't need to buy anything because I'll have a new wardrobe in my closet that I haven't wore in a long time. haha!

--I always re-read things that I type because I'm afraid that I've used incorrect grammar. I have a lot of English teacher friends and I realize that I am a soon-to-be-teacher as well & I don't want to be a teacher who doesn't use correct grammar. And here is a real confession-there are probably a lot of grammar mistakes in this post!

That's all for now! Check out some more Mid-week Confessions at E, Myself & I.

Happy first week of 2012!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


At the end of a year, most people reflect on the happenings of what the year brought or didn't bring. I usually always reflect on what I accomplished, what I should work on, or how I can be a better Christian.

In 2011, I took my last classroom course for my Bachelor's degree. I actually miss being on campus on a weekly basis.

In 2011, I went on my first cruise & it was SO much fun & I can't wait to go back!

In 2011, I learned how to live in the moment and enjoy life where I am, regardless of circumstance.

In 2011, I learned how to not take on so much stress. (This is HUGE for me!)

In 2011, I took the Praxis approximately 5 times.

In 2011, I went through a huge trial of trusting God with my future.

In 2011, I learned what it truly meant to fight for something that's worth it.

In 2011, I finally passed the Praxis-Glory to God. :) (I STILL get excited thinking about it) :)

Overall, 2011 was a great year. There was laughter, and there were tears. There were fights and there was victories.

I'm looking forward to 2012. It's going to be a year of firsts for me! Graduation, teaching, and so much more! I can't wait!

I pray that the hand of God covers you this year and as you walk in His path-you will be blessed abundantly!

"You crown the year with goodness, and your paths drip with abundance" Psalm 65:11