Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Midweek Confessions

Happy Wednesday! I'm posting from my phone so I can't upload the cute confession picture. :( So, I'm just going to jump right in to confessing:

1. I did a complete post of confessions back in the beginning of May. I just checked my blogger feed & realized that it never uploaded. Fail.

2. In light of that never-posted blog, I feel the need to state that I've graduated college since my last post! Yay! I'm also already thinking about starting grad school very soon!

3. I need a summer job. This sitting at home thing would be nice if I had an income. I'm assuming I'll enjoy it more when I actually become a teacher and have a summer break with pay.

4. I'm confessing that I'm doing really well at the gym. I go at least 3 times a week. This is a plus since I've been so non-committed, ha!!!

5. Searching for a teaching job is really hard. It's like a race where there is no designated course. Where do I go? What do I say? What is the best time to go? Do I call first? It's really different entering the professional world.

6. I'm home pretty much all day, but I have no desire to clean. I do just enough each day so my house doesn't look like a disaster, but not enough that I need to.

7. I want to live at the beach. Simply put.

Ok, that's all! Head on over to and share your confessions!!

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